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Another u.s. Activist Murdered in Oaxaca

Sali Grace, RIP On September 24th the body of Marcella Sali Grace, a u.s. solidarity activist working in Oaxaca, was found in a deserted cabin. She had been raped, murdered and mutilated, so that her body could only be identified by her tattoos. Largely through the mobilization of community groups …

Rearview Mirror Glance at August’s Riot

As most readers will know, Montreal’s unusually cool summer included a very hot August, hot with the bitter heat that comes from tragedy. On August 9, a group of teenagers were playing in a park in the proletarian neighbourhood of Montreal North. Cops drove up and busted one of the …

Mohawk Kahentinetha Horn beaten and hospitalized at border

Kahentinetha Horn in happier times, speaking at a demonstration in solidarity with the people of Six Nations The following by Brenda Norrell – for updates check her blog Censored News: Mohawk Kahentinetha Horn beaten and hospitalized at borderBy Brenda Norrell Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was beaten by …

More Charges Laid: Clampdown Intensifies, Support Tyendinaga Mohawks!

This from the Tyendinaga Support Committee: More Charges Laid: Clampdown Intensifies, Support Tyendinaga Mohawks! (MAY 20, 2008) In the wake of recent road closures, OPP intimidation, and jailing of Mohawk community members, charges have now been laid by the OPP against at least 9 additional Tyendinaga Mohawks. These charges, according …

Political Police Probe Punks

This just out from the Toronto Star: Anti-terror cops probed Ottawa punk bandMay 21, 2008 04:30 AM OTTAWA–All it takes to get noticed by Canada’s top anti-terrorism team is a shocking band name and a provocative logo. At least, that’s the contention of The Suicide Pilots, a self-described “no-name punk …

The Truth Behind Shawn Brant’s Latest Arrest: Racism in Ontario

The following released yesterday by Sue Collins, regarding the ongoing persecution of Shawn Brant. Shawn Brant’s Arrest – Statement by Sue Collis, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (May 4th, 2008) Eight days ago, on Friday, April 25th, 2008, my husband, Shawn Brant, was arrested and detained on assault and weapons charges. Since …

Montreal Police attack Anti-Capitalist May Day Demonstration

Yesterday a demonstration organized by a number of radical left organizations, including anarchists and Marxist-Leninist and others, was attacked by police in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, a predominantly working class Quebecois neighbourhood in east Montreal. As can be read below, neo-nazis were used to provoke a minor incident, which was then used as …

Blockades & Police Raids at Tyendinaga

The following two reports from Mohawk Nation News: ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE INVADE PEACEFUL MOHAWKS AT TYENDINAGA. ANOTHER CALEDONIA STYLE DEVELOPER “CASHOUT” SCAM * View * Track April 22, 2008 – 9:37pm — Gary Two reports from MNN below… MNN. Mon. April 21, 2008. Attacks on Indigenous people continue. Canada isn’t …

[Montréal] Pour les ArretéEs du 15 mars

Le message suivant s’adresse Ă  celes et ceux qui ont Ă©tĂ© arretĂ©Es il y a quelques semaines lors du manif de COBP Ă  MontrĂ©al: Le 15 mars 2008, lors de la 12 journĂ©e internationale contre la brutalitĂ© policière, une quarantaine d’arrestations ont eu lieu. Le Collectif OpposĂ© Ă  la BrutalitĂ© …

[Montreal] For Those Arrested on March 15

The following notice has been put out, for those who were arrested in Montreal at the COBP demonstration a few weeks ago: On March 15, 2008, forty-seven people were arrested during the 12th International day against police brutality. The Collective opposed to police brutality is still currently trying to get …