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Basque Nationalists Under Attack

The Spanish State is cracking down on the Basque nationalist left. From Reuters on March 23: MADRID (Reuters) – A Spanish judge Monday charged 44 Basque nationalists with membership of the militant separatist movement ETA, which the Spanish government calls a terrorist organisation. All were members of three banned separatist …

Good Luck Lolo

An article from today’s National Post about how the Canadian State tried to capture a former Roma (gypsy) guerilla, who had suffered ten days of torture at the hands of Franco’s secret police, and deport him, presumably to Spain where the “post-fascist” State has expressed its desire to prosecute him …

Salvador (Puig Antich)

SALVADOR (PUIG ANTICH) (SALVADOR) (PNA) Spain – United Kingdom / 2006 / 35 mm / Colour / 138 min / Dir.: Manuel Huerga In 1974, Salvador Puig Antich, a violent revolutionary, became the last political prisoner to be executed in Spain. This is his story. Or so says the World …