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Meaning-Based Translation

if you’re like me and you enjoy translation, you may want to check out today’s post by Mike Ely on Kasama blog… i thought in particular the discussion of words like “fuck”, “con”, and “motherfucker” was worth having, though it could of course be taken further…

[Le Drapeau Rouge] At Last the PQ Shows Its True Colours!

The below article in Le Drapeau Rouge; i felt it was well worth translating and sharing with you all. At least in its newspaper, the Revolutionary Communist Party (the canadian one, not the Avakian outfit in the u.s.) is providing welcome leadership in opposing the rise of racism in Quebec, …

La Guerre Larvée

Can anybody help me translate this term? i’ve looked it up in Le Petit Robert, but can’t seem to find it… translations translations…

l’Ă©tat d’exception

a little translation question: “l’Ă©tat d’exception” i know what it means – a state which due to some crisis doesn’t follow the rule of law. any idea how to translate it though? “authoritarian state”, “martial law” and “autocracy” are all in the neighbourhood but definitely not at the right address… …

The Case of Mohamed Anas Bennis, Eleven Months Later

Mohamed Anas Bennis,shot dead by Montreal’s killer copson December 1st 2005 Montreal’s Collective Opposed to Police Brutality have released the following document summarizing the past year’s bullshit whitewash of the police killing of Mohamed Anas Bennis. This killing, the brazen secrecy and disrespect on the part of the government, and …

Charles Gagnon 1939-2005

On November 17th, 2005, Charles Gagnon – a veteran of the revolutionary struggles in Quebec in the 1960s and 70s – passed away. Gagnon was a critically important figure in the development of revolutionary politics in Quebec. Unfortunately, most non-francophone comrades who were not themselves active in the 60s or …