Twenty Two Months Ago, Just About

The second year of the whitening of New Orleans is coming to its close, and it’s a process i have unfortunately not been able to keep on top of, or write much about.
Thought i would give a heads up about the article in the latest Black Commentator, How To Destroy an Adfrican- American City in Thirty Three Steps – Lessons from Katrina, by Bill Quigley. While not deep on the analysis – the backstory of why the u.s. ruling class wants to destroy Black cities is left to your own figuring out – it’s a good basic tally of what has and hasn’t been done…
Check out point #25 in particular:
Keep the city environment unfriendly to women. Women were already widely discriminated against before the storm. Make sure that you do not reopen day care centers. This, combined with the lack of healthcare, lack of affordable housing, and lack of transportation, will keep moms with kids away. If you can keep women with kids away, the city will destroy itself. [emphasis added]
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