Zionist Quiz
Leaflet, 1982
The Committee for Public Health
The Committee for Public Health was an umbrella organization under which a variety of individuals published various posters and leaflets.
This is a multiple-choice quiz. You have to tick the correct answer. You shouldn’t have doubts. If a certain question raises moral issues in you, don’t waste time, skip immediately to the next question.
1. Spot the difference.

(Labor-socialist government),
(Likud- right wing government).
2. In the pictures above do you see
?? [ ] A bombarded Lebanese town within Israel’s self-proclaimed “40 km. security buffer zone”
?? ?? [ ] A bombarded Lebanese town outside of Israel’s self-proclaimed “40 km. security buffer zone”
3. Where are the children?
How many children can you spot in the picture.
Paint and send in.

4. In the picture do you see: (tick the correct answer)
?? ?? ?? [ ] A Jewish mother holding the victim of a brutal crime
?? [ ] ??A Jewish mother holding a prospective soldier
?? [ ] ??An Arab mother holding the victim of a brutal crime
?? [ ] ??An Arab mother holding a prospective terrorist

5. The high court ruled that a soldier must disobey an order that is “blatantly illegal”. Do you think
that implies an order of the killing of:
?? ?? [ ] 6 million civilians
?? [ ] ?? 1 million civilians
?? [ ] ??100,000 civilians
?? [ ] ??1,000 civilians
? ? [ ] ??47 civilians (in Kfar Kasam)
? ? [ ] ??1 soldier
? ? [ ] ??1 civilian
? ? [ ] ??1 child
6. “Peace Now” refused to join this demonstration. Given that which demonstration will they join?
An anti war demonstration that includes:
?? ?? [ ] 1 state
?? ?? [ ] 2 states
? ? [ ] ??3 states
?? [ ] ??4 or more states
and killing:
?? ?? [ ] 1,000,000 civilians
?? [ ] ??1,000 civilians
?? [ ] ??100 civilians
? ? [ ] ??1 civilian
7. Some of the participants in this demo (the Stalinists of the communist party and Trotskyites) have praised the professionalism of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. What bothers them about the Israeli invasion of Lebanon?
?? [ ] ??It’s less humanistic nature compared to the invasion of Afghanistan
?? [ ] ??In Lebanon many Muslims die whereas in Afghanistan many Muslims die
?? [ ] ??This time they happen to be on the wrong side.
8.Who told “Maariv” in a newspaper interview: “Even if you believe your country is sent to ruins you should still join the army and obey its orders because discipline is above all”.
?? [ ] ??1 Menachem Begin
?? [ ] ??2 Shimon Peres
?? [ ] ??3 Raphael Eitan
?? [ ] ??4 Meir Pail (left wing military historian)
The correct answer is 4.
9. What is the stance one should adopt today?
?? ?? [ ] To object conscription and not go to Lebanon
?? ?? [ ] To conquer all of the land of the cedars
? ?? [ ] ?Despite everything to follow all orders as in this historic moment there is no room for disunity.
?? ?? [ ] To protest upon return from the front line.
10. Why do you think the radical left (in its leisure time) follows Stalinist directives and adopts non-democratic decision making processes.
?? [ ] ??Because that’s what they are used to
?? [ ] ??To gain experience
?? [ ] ??Because in this crucial hour there is no room for disunity (as if we could be any less united).
11. How well do you sleep at night:
?? ?? [ ] Very well
? ?? [ ] ?Well
? ?? [ ] ?So-so
? ?? [ ] ?Nightmares
?? ?? [ ] Can’t sleep a wink without sedatives.
After you’ve answered all the questions return the form to the
Committee for Public Health
Content from It’s All Lies
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