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Conscious Yet Complicit: Dispatch Number Four

From my comarade: the first thing i’d like to say is that this dispatch will be spell-checked. my apologies for the myriad typos of the last one. i just had to get it off my chest. i spent the weekend chilling at a friend’s place in ramallah. it’s a lively …

Upping The Anti #4: Yes, It’s Already Here!

Just letting you all know that i have received a box of the fourth issue of the radical journal Upping The Anti, and am now able to send off copies to anyone who would want one. Yes that’s right: a new issue already… i guess an annual it’s not! The …

The Freedom to Wear What You Want

Men should not be telling women how to dress. In fact, let me extend that: people should not be telling other people how to dress.The only reason why i might dislike the hijab, niqab and burka is because i know that around the world many women are forced to wear …

Jane Doe on Rape

Balcony Rapist to be releasedWhy men rape and why women’s resources are cut need attention, argues ’80s victim Toronto Star, Feb 23, 2007Betsy PowellCrime Reporter Jane Doe has mixed feelings about the release from prison of the man who raped her more than 20 years ago, saying that focusing on …

Trevor Miller Released!

Aboriginal man released from custody Feb, 09 2007 – 12:30 PM CAYUGA (AM 900 CHML) – The aboriginal man charged with assault at the standoff in Caledonia has been released into the custody of the Mohawk traditional council. Trevor Miller has been in jail for six months since his arrest …

Radicals and the State

Upping The Anti #3 features interviews with Aijaz Ahmad and William Robinson, each of whom discusses different questions, looking at different parts of the world, but nevertheless both touch on some common concerns. I’m not sure if this was the intention of the UTA crew or just happy happenstance, but …

Thinking About Growing Pains

Here are some further thoughts on Upping the Anti, the radical journal out of Toronto, Canada… The most ambitious part of Upping the Anti #3 is clearly its editorial, titled Growing Pains: The Anti-Globalization Movement, Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of the United Front. This is really a look at the …

Kuwasi at 60 (by Kazembe Balagun)

On December 16, 2006 over 75 people gathered at LAVA in West Philadelphia. The crowd was a mix of Black liberation movement veterans (young and old), anarchist punks and white queer activists from ACT UP. They came together to pay homage to the late Kuwasi Balagoon, who would have turned …