As you have certainly noticed, the Kersplebedeb website is being overhauled, migrated to wordpress, and hopefully made a lot more spiffy and user-friendly. In the meantime, you may prefer to visit the older site – either because it is what you are used to, or simply because the content you …
Sanyika Shakur 6–28–47* After the second imperialist war, in which the u.s., France and Britain smashed on Italy, Japan and Germany, the victors put on a show trial in Nuremberg, Germany, where a clutch of Nazi functionaries were tried for war crimes, convicted and subsequently hanged or shot. (To be …
The Kersplebedeb Library page is a list of links, on site and off, to texts and articles that are useful. Needless to say, for such a list to be of use the opinions do not all fall in one straight line, and it would be impossible for anyone to agree …
“Fascism has shown that it can gather mass support. In many nations the far right, including fascism, has become a popular oppositional force to the new globalized imperialism. In many countries the far right has replaced the left as the main political opposition . It doesn’t get more critical than …
David Gilbert, a longtime anti-racist and anti-imperialist, first became active in the Civil Rights movement in 1961. In 1965, he started the Vietnam Committee at Columbia University; in 1967 he co-authored the first Students for a Democratic Society pamphlet naming the system “imperialism”; and he was active in the Columbia …
The apparatus of the state—in particular the courts and legal system—are in the hands of the class that is dominate in the economic relations of society. The state is never natural: It is always an instrument for protecting and preserving the existing system.” Bob Avakian, Democracy: Can’t We Do Better …
C. Landrum, The Rock v. 2 #2, February 2013 A PBSP-generated memo dated December 10, 2012, was circulated throughout the pods addressing both current and additional demands. How much more obvious can it be?! The state has essentially been stringing us along like a puppy on a chain, conceding and …
“The great divide between humans and animals provided a standard by which to judge other people, both at home and elsewhere.If the essence of humanity was defined as consisting of a specific quality or set of qualities, such as reason, intelligible language, religion, culture, or manners, it followed that anyone …
Editorial by Ed Mead The January issue of Rock was censored at Pelican Bay because of an article that started on page four and ended on page seven. The title of the article was “PBSP – SHU, Short Corridor Representatives Responsive Opposition to CDCR’s October 11, 2012 STG Pilot Program”, …
This is an update about Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, a prisoner activist and intellectual who is currently in a dire situation in Snake River Correctional Institution in Oregon. As was reported last week, Rashid has been in the midst of a health crisis for almost a month now, which has included …