Prison Covid Newsletter (vol 2, no 1), Jan. 2021
The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their latest newsletter is here.
The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their latest newsletter is here.
Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us know …
Torkil Lauesen, author of The Global Perspective and The Principal Contradiction, was recently interviewed by the Manifestering podcast.  The discussion touches on contemporary and historical Maoism in Western Europe and North America, the principal contradictions in the capitalist world system, the prospects for neoliberalism under Biden, and much more. Check it …
If you haven’t gotten your calendar yet, you’d better hurry! We’re down to our last box and the price has dropped to $15 CAD. Get yours before they’re gone! What is the Certain Days Calendar? The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project …
Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we support. If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner, please let us know …
The Prison Covid-19 Information Project provides COVID-19 news and resources for prisoners and their families and loved ones on the outside. Their latest newsletter is here.
NOTE: If you send the updates to Jeremy Hammond, please stop, as he has been released to a halfway house! If you send the updates to Doug Wright, his address has changed: Douglas Wright #57973-060 USP Florence – High Post Office Box 7000 Florence, Colorado 81226 Here’s the latest compilation …
#RadicalDecember events are happening all this month! Join us on Saturday, December 5th, 2020 at 7 pm EST for a virtual book launch â Devin Zane Shaw is the author of The Philosophy of Antifascism. Joshua Moufawad-Paul is the author of Demarcation and Demystification. Join our event to discuss antifascism and radical …
What can we say about 2020, that has not already been said? Whether you need some distraction or are looking for ways to understand the meltdown which is contemporary reality, interested in finding self-care or a weapon to bring to the fight, or just hoping to learn from history in …
One of my frustrations with contemporary Marxist philosophy is the way in which the word âdialecticalâ is often employed like a magical wand to sanctify various relational phenomena. Such vague employment is reflected in radical theory adjacent to Marxism as well where theorists pepper their work with the term âdialectical …