Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism (repost)

Following the clashes in Charlottesville and the massive anti-fascist demonstrations afterwards in Durham, Boston, and the Bay Area, the struggle against fascism has arrived in the consciousness of the general public. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism

The Men Who Left Were White (repost)

There are three things you should know. First: I’m not biracial. Read the rest of this post on the original site at The Men Who Left Were White

IGD: Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions Around the World

In solidarity with our friends at CrimethInc. On August 12, a fascist murdered one person and injured dozens more by driving a vehicle into a crowd of anti-racist protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fascists had been calling for violence in advance; they made it very clear that this would happen. We are calling for solidarity actions …

Building Everyday Anti-Fascism (repost)

Ibrahima Barry. Azzeddine Soufiane. Khaled Belkacemi. Mamadou Tanou Barry. Abdelkrim Hassane. Boubaker Thabti. On January 29, 2017, these six men were murdered while praying at Québec City’s Islamic Cultural Centre, and five others were seriously injured. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Building Everyday Anti-Fascism

Manifestation de soutien avec des réfugiés et contre les racistes // Refugees In, Racists Out! (Stade Olympique, dimanche 12h)

[Svp partagez dans vos rĂ©seaux] [Please share widely] [facebook:] *Bienvenue aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s! Expulsons les racistes! Manifestation en support aux migrants et aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s* DIMANCHE LE 6 AOĂ›T, 12h pile. Stade Olympique (MontrĂ©al) 4545 Avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin – allez Ă  porte ‘D’ (MĂ©tro Pie-IX ou MĂ©tro Viau) *SVP arrivez Ă  l’heure! …

A New Class Politics (repost)

Class is back on the agenda of the European left. That is good news. The reasons, however, are unfortunate. It is primarily the growing working-class support for right-wing parties and movements that troubles left-wing authors, activists, and organizers. Two poles have emerged in the debate. Read the rest of this …

Islamophobia Is the Glue That Unites Diverse Factions of the Far Right (repost)

Women bradish US flags and shout at the “March Against Sharia” at Foley Square on June 10, 2017 in New York City. (Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / Getty Images) The nationwide “March Against Sharia” rallies on June 10, 2017, brought an unholy alliance of far-right actors into the streets. Read …

The Birth of Canada’s Armed, Anti-Islamic ‘Patriot’ Group (repost)

In front of Calgary City Hall a couple dozen of them stood, shoulder-to-shoulder, in an attempt to make an unbreakable human wall. Each of them wore a uniform consisting of a black T-shirt emblazoned with a Roman helmet—a look that wouldn’t be out of place in a biker gang. Read …