Straight to Hell (repost)
Suppose that in the White House there is a glory hole. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Straight to Hell
Suppose that in the White House there is a glory hole. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Straight to Hell
One day before the start of this year’s edition of the World Social Forum (WSF 2016), to be held in Montreal from 9 â 14 August 2016, civil society representatives from several African nations have announced their intention to boycott the proceedings, due to the overwhelming number of visa denial …
Attica Correctional Facility became famous for a bloody rebellion in September 1971. The inmates took over the prison located in northwestern New York and took 42 staff members hostage. The state police, under the command of Governor Nelson Rockefeller, broke into the prison, acting ruthlessly. Read the rest of this …
FACEBOOK: Saturday at 10 AM – 11 PM Parc Henri-Bourassa, Montreal Le Sommet Noir est la 3e Ă©dition de Hoodstock, un Ă©vĂ©nement visant Ă mobiliser les forces des communautĂ©s culturelles avec des ateliers, des spectacles et des moments dâĂ©change par, avec et pour les membres des communautĂ©s noires et racisĂ©es. …
FACEBOOK: Saturday August 13, 2016 11am to 6pm Centre communautaire de loisirs Sainte-Catherine dâAlexandrie 1700, Rue Amherst MĂ©tro Beaudry or Berri-UQĂ M This event is part of Pervers/citĂ©, a radical queer summer festival. Check out the full scheduling here: Salon du livre Queer entre les couvertures samedi le 13 aoĂ»t …
facebook: [Notre sĂ©curitĂ© lors de cet Ă©vĂ©nement est directement proportionnelle Ă la prĂ©sence importante d’alliĂ©-es. SVP partagez dans vos rĂ©seaux!] [Our safety and security at this mobilization is directly linked to a large turnout of allies. Please share widely in your networks!] Alerte antifasciste! La Ligue de dĂ©fense juive (LDJ) …
(scroll down for english) Joignez-nous du 10 au 12 aoĂ»t pour le Salon du Livre Radical, lors du Forum Social Mondial Ă MontrĂ©al! OĂ: dans le foyer de salle Marie Gerin Lajoie, Pavillon J, UQAM (plusieurs entrĂ©es car UQAM c’est une labyrinthe! dont 315 et 405 rue Saint-Catherine Est, ou …
If you are in Montreal for the World Social forum, you will certainly be interested in visiting these radical bookstores and activist spaces, as well as participaing in these events during your time in this city… These events and projects all exist on unceded Kanien’kehĂĄ:ka territory (pour accĂ©der Ă ces informations en français, …
Si vous ĂȘtes Ă MontrĂ©al pour le Forum Sociale Mondiale, vous allez sĂ»rement ĂȘtre intĂ©ressĂ©-e-s Ă visiter ces librairies et projets militantes, et de participer Ă ces Ă©vĂ©nements, lors de votre sĂ©jour… Tout ceci a lieu sur des territoires Kanien’kehĂĄ:ka non cĂ©dĂ©s (to see this list in english please click here) Librairies Radicales …
(français suivra – la majoritĂ© de l’Ă©vĂ©nement va ĂȘtre en anglais) Prisoner Justice Day Punk Show Sunday, August 7th, 2016 Brasserie Beaubien 73 Beaubien Est (metro Beaubien) Doors at 8pm Starts promptly at 8:30pm Sliding scale $5-$10, no one turned away for lack of funds Featuring: the Termite Collective (not …