
Frameworks are sets of definitions, ideas about how things relate to each other, construed relationships, or even (especially!) of other frameworks, with which people make sense of phenomena and of themselves. Interlocking sets of frameworks which are cohesive enough can create and maintain a distinct identity, a kind of super-framework …

Trump’s impact: a fascist upsurge is just one of the dangers (repost)

In some ways it doesn’t matter whether we call Donald Trump a fascist or “just” a right-wing populist. However we categorize him, his presidential campaign represents a serious danger. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Trump’s impact: a fascist upsurge is just one of the …

When We Leftists are Criticized by the Right

They see in the population’s hostility towards the left only the hostility towards the left, not the hatred against those who are socially privileged. (Red Army Faction) Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories.  (Amilcar Cabral) It happens, often. It …

Un drone aurait livré une arme à la prison Rivière-des-Prairies (repost)

Des mesures d’urgence ont Ă©tĂ© prises et des recherches sont en cours au Centre de dĂ©tention Rivière-des-Prairies Ă  MontrĂ©al pour tenter de retrouver une arme de poing qui aurait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©e dans la cour de l’Ă©tablissement par un drone, a appris La Presse. Read the rest of this post on …

A Racist in the Streets: Trad Youth Ramps Up Public Actions (repost)

If the rhetoric of the racist right is tweaked at the edges, with the sharp language about minority groups shifted towards a broad discourse of “white dispossession,” then it can easily go under the radar as coded racial attacks are common to Tea Party groups and Donald Trump rallies. Read …

Detroiters struggle to survive without city water (repost)

How do you survive without running water for more than two years? First, get a trash can. Put it under the roof to collect water to flush the toilet. Then, get a bucket and remember what your grandparents taught you in the early 1950s, before indoor plumbing reached all of …