Antifascist and Antiprison October Book Sale at

As we enter what promises to be an Autumn of historic challenges, the theme of antifascism is front-and-center not only for our movements, but also in the mainstream media. At the same time, in a dialectic that is not at all difficult to decipher, prisoners’ and antiprison struggles remain vitally important even if they don’t generate the same kinds of headlines. Representing an essential white supremacist containment strategy, prisons easily complement the rising threat of white revanchism outside the walls, in the united states but in so many other places too. It is not by chance that some of the most important revolutionary leaders, past and present, have come out of the prisons, any more than it is that so many revolutionaries have spent time as political prisoners or prisoners of war behind bars.

Books dealing with the far right, antifascism, prisoners’ struggles, and prison abolition, are all discounted at for the month of October. Check them all out at:

Stay safe and stay strong!


K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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