Apache prisoners at Fort Bowie, Arizona, 1884 by The U.S. National Archives

Original Caption: Apache prisoners at Fort Bowie, Arizona, 1884

From: Signal Corps Photographs of American Military Activity, compiled 1754 – 1954

Created By: Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 – 02/28/1964)

Production Date: ca. 1860 – ca. 1865

Persistent URL: research.archives.gov/description/530907

Repository: National Archives at College Park – Still Pictures (RD-DC-S)

For information about ordering reproductions of photographs held by the Still Picture Unit, visit: www.archives.gov/research/order/still-pictures.html

Reproductions may be ordered via an independent vendor. NARA maintains a list of vendors at www.archives.gov/research/order/vendors-photos-maps-dc.html

Access Restrictions: Unrestricted
Use Restrictions: Unrestricted

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/i41aCC

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