Arm The Spirit


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table of contents Arm The Spirit #17

Winter 1999-2000

  • Index and ATS Internet Resources
  • ATS Introduction/Editorial
  • On The Murder Of Horst-Ludwig Meyer And The Arrest Of Andrea Klump In Vienna and a letter from Andrea Klump
  • Arrests And Raids Against The “Revolutionary Cells (RZ)” and Repression Against Anti-NATO Activists In Italy
  • Action Directe: “Political Prisoners And The Question Of Violence”
  • Collective Biography Of The Action Directe Prisoners
  • Interview With The CCC Prisoners Collective
  • A Brief History Of The Armed Struggle Of GRAPO In Spain
  • Freedom For Francisco Brotons!
  • Interview With GRAPO Political Prisoner Eva Alonso Arce and March 8th communique from the GRAPO women’s prisoner collective
  • “Lina Odea – European Political Prisoner List
  • Former INLA POW Tony O’Hara Looks Back On The H-Block Struggles
  • IRSP: Teach Na Nailte Project
  • A Brief Introduction To The Communist Prisoners Collective “Wotta Sitta”
  • “For The Liberation From Oppression And Capitalist Exploitation!” – a letter from the Wotta Sitta collective
  • Conference For The Freedom Of  Political Prisoners Around The World
  • 32-34: Interview With Ahmad Qatamesh
  • Interview With George Habash, General Secretary Of The PFLP
  • Interview With Lawyer Ahmet Yuksel, Trial Observer At The DHKP-C Proceedings In Germany
  • Statement From The DHKP-C European Organization
  • Interview With DHKP-C Prisoners
  • Interview With Former ETA Political Prisoner
  • ETA Ceasefire Communique
  • ETA Communique Announcing The End Of The Ceasefire
  • Interview With ETA – May 1999
  • Herri Batasuna Leaders Freed
  • Interview with RAF Political Prisoner Helmut Pohl – June 1996
  • “The Urban Guerrilla Is History” – The Final RAF Communique
  • Interview with Former June 2nd Movement prisoner Till Meyer
  • “We Are Not Political Idiots” – a letter from RAF prisoner Rolf Clemens Wagner and A Final Few Words On The RAF from Autonome Antifa (M)

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