Savoring Time Together
from Friends of David Gilbert
from Friends of David Gilbert
I finally got a chance to sit down and study both of your texts. I read them both when they first came out, but I hadn’t read them both together. I also managed to convince some comrades to talk about them with me. No men invited. We had a good …
I wrote this essay in late February 2020, in response to the state suppression of blockades across Canada. The blockades remain an important touchstone for militant politics, for it is likely that the Canadian settler-state will intensify resource extraction under the pretense of funding economic “recovery” and “paying back” the …
Review of the book: Lauesen T. (2018) The Global Perspective. Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance, Montreal: Kersplebedeb. Torkil Lauesen’s book The Global Perspective. Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance is written from a perspective that can be described as Third Worldist Marxism. For its author, such views are not just theoretical …
Introduction In recent years, the left has shown a renewed interest in anti-imperialism. This is an encouraging development, since global economic injustice remains one of the most glaring contradictions of the capitalist order. After having been a central part of anti-capitalist struggles in the 1970s, anti-imperialism largely vanished from left …
Following the explicitly anti-Muslim demonstration held on March 4, on April 23 some of the same far right forces tried a different approach, calling for a demonstration against the governing provincial Liberal Party, taking care to not include anything about race or Islam in any of their materials, and telling people …
The bizarre and dangerous rise of Donald Trump did not just pop up out of the thin air. The very foundation of the U.S. is white supremacy. This country is, at its core, imperialist, patriarchal and based in a range of ways human beings are delimited and demeaned. Nor are …
David Gilbert wrote the following text in 2015, examining the the ways in which capitalism is confronted by, and contends with, crises in surplus absorption and realization, in the imperialist age. David was not entirely satisfied with this text in the end, however here at Kersplebedeb i thought it actually was pretty …
A book review of Torkil Lauesen 380 pages Nemo Publishing, Copenhagen 2016 by Stein Lillevolden (social worker) First posted at: https://radikalportal.no/2016/05/27/det-ulike-bytte/ Also published in the Danish newsletter Demos In the late 1970s, I studied political science at Oslo University, by all evidence pretty half-heartedly. With half a heart — mostly …
What did they think? Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Akai Gurley, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, life precious blood spelled in the mud FREEDOM … When will it come? What did they think? Eric Garner, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo whose life breath echoed the dreams deferred from Afrikan ancestors …