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[Toronto] Thursday November 19: Upping the Anti Launch Party

On November 19th, join UPPING THE ANTI and DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Redas we celebrate the launch of UPPING THE ANTI NUMBER NINE Thursday November 19, 8pm The Concord Cafe (937 Bloor Street West) — DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Red —— Raffle, Dancing, Politics, Fun — Admission: $10 …

University of Massachussetts Bows to Right-Wing hysteria

Bowing to pressure from the New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police, the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Union, and assorted right-wing gutter journalists, and the Governor of Massachusetts, the University of Massachusetts has caved, pulling the plug on a talk by Ray Luc Levasseur that was to take place next week.Ray Luc …

Pennsylvania Charges Dropped Against Elliot Madison and Michael Wallschlager

“Tortuga” is the name of the collective house where Elliot Madison and Michael Wallschlager live. Madison and Wallschlager are the two anarchists who were arrested at the G20 protests in Pittsburgh in September, accused of using twitter to help demonstrators avoid the cops. Following their arrest, Tortuga was raided by …

H1N1 Vaccinations: Some Thoughts from an ICU Nurse-Comrade

Received this email from Scott Weinstein, a friend of mine who is an ICU nurse, and thought it worth sharing for the light (as opposed to just heat) that it shines on the question of the H1N1 vaccine: This mail is unsolicited, so you may trash it or read it. …

"I plead guilty, I’m a racist." — Jason Kenney

From pals at No One Is Illegal-Montreal: Jason Kenney confronted and disrupted in Montreal October 23, 2009 — Migrant justice activists and organizers, with their McGill allies, confronted and disrupted Jason Kenney — Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism — before and during a closed function with Conservative McGill. …