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Obama Regime Asserts CIA’s Continued Use of Renditions

This is not surprising, and i almost didn’t post it as it’s just the same old same old.So why did i? Well, because too many of us are hoping against our better judgment that the hype might be true. Which would be a deadly temptation to give into. So the …

[Montreal] Protest the Slaughter of Tamils in Sri Lanka!

The following from the Montreal Tamil Action Committee, about an emergency response to the massacre in Sri Lanka: WORK TOGETHER TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER! Emergency Rallies in Montreal and in Ottawa! =======================>Wednesday February 4TH5 to 7pmComplex Guy Favreau on 200 Rene Levesque west Tamils and non-Tamils alike must work together …

Jalil Muntaqim

Jalil Muntaqim was born on October 18, 1951, in Oakland, California. He has spent thirty eight of his fifty seven years locked behind bars, paying a heavy price for his participation in the Black Liberation Movement, a struggle he has never abandoned, even behind bars.Jalil grew up in a family …

Montreal’s Shit-Eating Pigs Have Thin Skin

If the Montreal Police Brotherhood get their way, reading the title of this post aloud may become a ticketable offense in Montreal. At least, that’s what today’s news portends. It would seem that the Brotherhood is planning to get a bylaw passed that will allow police to fine people who …

[Montreal] Demand Truth & Justice for Anas!

DENOUNCE THE MONTREAL POLICE BROTHERHOOD’S MOTION TO PREVENT A CORONER’S INQUEST ****************************************LUNCHTIME RALLY12:00 (noon), Thursday, January 29, 2009Palais de Justice, 1 Notre-Dame EastChamps-de-mars metro **************************************** T-shirts to support the Justice for Anas campaign will be available on-siteFamily-friendly rally!! Bring your placards and banners!! Join us in denouncing the proceedings filed …

‘Imperial Power & Counter-Power’

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Remarks to the Rosa Luxemburg Conference in Germany / Jan. 10th, 2009: ‘Imperial Power & Counter-Power’If one is to address the reactions to the recent election of Illinois Senator Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency, this can perhaps be best encapsulated by the term, exultation. For if ever …

Police Clamping Down on Montreal Left

It would seem Montreal police are taking aim at the militant edge of the Montreal left, with news this morning of an impending bylaw banning masks at demonstrations.As i mentioned last year in my post of the Montreal hockey riots, the increasing number of security cameras and surveillance videos has …

Popular Fury at Yet Another Police Murder – Oakland’s Not for Burning?

The following important article is from Counterpunch (Jan 9-11) about the recent uprising in Oakland: Popular Fury at Yet Another Police MurderOakland’s Not for Burning? By GEORGE CICCARIELLO-MAHEROakland. In 1968, Amory Bradford penned a volume entitled Oakland’s Not For Burning, documenting the tinderbox that the city had become, and the …

[Montreal] Protest the Gaza Massacre this January 10!

SATURDAY JANUARY 10th13h00 Dorchester squareCorner Peel and René-Lévesquemetro PeelMontréal, Québec Across the world protesters are taking to the streets in opposition to the current Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. Across the Middle East, Europe, North America and internationally a movement in solidarity for Palestinian human rights and against Israeli …