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PFLP on the 40th Anniversary of the Naksah (Six Day War)

Source: On the 40th anniversary of the ‘Naksah’ defeat, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls for the renewal of the effort of national resistance. On the 40th anniversary of the 1967 defeat known as the “naksah,” the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called for …

Fundamentalism, Capitalism and Assumptions of the Outmoded

Two laboratory assistants worked in the genetic research labat Tehran’s Royan Institute, a jewel of Iran’s science program. Not to give readers the wrong impression, but the Revolutionary Communist Party (usa) has a useful response to the International Socialists’ line on Islamophobia on their Revolution dot com website: U.S. Imperialism, …

Nowhere Near Justice: Dispatch Number Five

From my pal: it has been six days since i’ve sent the last dispatch, and i have much to tell y’all, but it may not all be included in this one email. the occupation is never-ending, and the needs of people are immense. it is, no doubt, similar in all …

Not A Spam Blog After All

What a relief! Late last week blogger’s “robots” decided Sketchy Thoughts looked like spam. Consequently, the blog was “locked”, meaning i could not publish anything. The blogger site assured me someone would check the blog out, and if it was legit it would be unblocked – but otherwise would eventually …

Conscious Yet Complicit: Dispatch Number Four

From my comarade: the first thing i’d like to say is that this dispatch will be spell-checked. my apologies for the myriad typos of the last one. i just had to get it off my chest. i spent the weekend chilling at a friend’s place in ramallah. it’s a lively …

another day in palestine (actually a few) – dispatch two

This was received from my comrade in Palestine on Sunday: i’ve been studying the map today and i realized that in my first dispatch, i made a brief mistake. petah tiqwa is not a settlement in the west bank. it was, however, the first modern jewish settlement in palestine, colonized …

Arriving in Palestine, Dispatch One

A good friend, with better than good politics, is currently in Palestine, witnessing the ongoing ethnic cleansing being carried out by the Israeli state. She has been sending dispatches, and i just heard from her that she’s ok with my posting them here, so expect to see more of these …

Keny Arkana: La Rage

This was one of the many outstanding videos shown at the Queeruption benefit on Sunday night – dumbfuck that i am i had never heard of Keny Arkana, but i guess now i’m an inch closer to being hip seeing as i’m blogging her video… don’t even need to be …

Joint Statement from the San Francisco Eight

The following just arrived in my inbox – the original is up on the CDHR website: We, the San Francisco 8, would like to send this joint statement extending our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all our friends and supporters. As many of you know, this COINTELPRO persecution has been …