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Jane Doe on Rape

Balcony Rapist to be releasedWhy men rape and why women’s resources are cut need attention, argues ’80s victim Toronto Star, Feb 23, 2007Betsy PowellCrime Reporter Jane Doe has mixed feelings about the release from prison of the man who raped her more than 20 years ago, saying that focusing on …

Judge Aims To "Discourage" Jaggi Singh’s Activism

A Montreal Municipal Court judge released protester Jaggi Singh on $1,000 bail yesterday, saying the hefty bond could discourage his activism. Singh had been in detention since Thursday, when he was arrested at an evening march to mark International Women’s Day. Police contend Singh violated a bail condition not to …

[Quebec] Armed Blockade by Indigenous Protesters on Highway 117

Blockade on key highway is partly lifted CANADIAN PRESSADDITIONAL REPORTING BY KAZI STASTNA OF THE GAZETTE GRAND REMOUS – Part of a crucial Quebec highway was reopened last night following a day-long blockade by armed aboriginals protesting against forest management by the province.The Sûreté du Québec said the northbound lane …

RCMP Dirty Tricks

Comrades should be reading the following article, not because we have any sympathy with drug lords – reactionary scum often in bed with the cops – but because what the RCMP did to them they will most certainly be willing to do to us… The victims of this police investigation …

US Government Affirms Risk to 9-Year-old Kevin Yourdkhani’s Family if deported to Iran From Texas Jail

Just received this from verbena-19: Family’s Canadian Supporters Urge Immigration Minister to Immediately grant Temporary Residence Permit to End 5-Week Jail Ordeal TORONTO, MARCH 9, 2007 — The Canadian lawyer for 9-Year-old Kevin Yourdkhani — a Canadian citizen currently detained over a month in a Texas immigration jail along with …

Police brutality mars Women’s Day Celebration in Montreal

This just in regarding yesterday’s police attack on Montreal’s IWD march: Montreal 9 March 2007 Police brutality mars Women’s Day Celebration in MontrealPolice Assault women at International Women’s Day MarchYesterday, as Montrealers, along with many around the world celebrated International Women’s Day – the event was marred by police brutality …

Native Warrior Society Confiscates Olympic Flag: Things Are Heating Up

The following communiqué has been issued by the Native Warrior Society: March 7th, 2007Coast Salish Territory [Vancouver, Canada] In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 6th, 2007, we removed the Olympic Flag from its flag-pole at Vancouver City Hall. We pried open the access panel on the pole with …