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No Jail for Jean-Marc Rouillan! by Ron Augustin

Jean-Marc Rouillan, one of the founding members of Action Directe in the 1980s, was sentenced to eight months of house arrest two years ago for “apology of terrorism”. This is after having spent half his life in prison (from 1987 to 2012). Since July 2020, he has been wearing an …

November’s New Titles at (yay!)

We are very happy to announce that over the past week we have received dozens of new titles at — just click on the book cover in question to go to the site where you can place your order. Remember, free delivery (no minimum!) in Montreal, or with any …

Virtual Book Launch: The Philosophy of Antifascism & Demarcation and Demystification

Join us on Saturday, December 5th, 2020 at 7 pm EST for a virtual book launch — Devin Zane Shaw is the author of The Philosophy of Antifascism. Joshua Moufawad-Paul is the author of Demarcation and Demystification. Join our event to discuss antifascism and radical philosophy! Advance Registration required: Copies in Toronto …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Nov. 17, 2020

NOTE: If you send the updates to Jay Chase, please stop, as he has been released! Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates: NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of war we …

Urgent! Take action for Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz!

(reposted from Socialist Resurgence) Black liberation fighter Russell “Maroon” Shoatz has tested positive for COVID-19. Maroon, a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, is a political prisoner/prisoner of war held by the state of Pennsylvania. Maroon has been imprisoned since 1972, when he was …

Confronting Medical Colonialism: “Fighting for a Hand to Hold” Online Speaking Tour

Samir Shaheen-Hussain, author of Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Violence against Indigenous Children in Canada (25% off with coupon code THEKIDSAREALRIGHT at, will be doing several online speaking events this month. For a complete list of future events, which will be updated as more are confirmed, …

Nov. 16 – Black Panther Party Seattle Chapter Captain Aaron Dixon “in Montreal”

En français ci-dessous A Talk by Black Panther Party Seattle Chapter Captain Aaron Dixon Monday November 16, 6pm Online via Zoom Facebook event ****Pre-registration required: Aaron Dixon is a political activist who established the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party in 1968, and co-founded the Seattle Area …

November Book Sale at!

The November book sale at is here; many new titles discounted, on themes ranging from feminism to armed struggle to the rise of global authoritarianism, titles by Silvia Federici, J. Sakai, Ulrike Meinhof, and many otehrs … check them out at: And stay tuned! We will be adding …

Paranoia as Aesthetic – Kristian Williams (Three Way Fight)

This article is re-posted from Three Way Fight. Antifa had quite a summer: First, jetting around the country, stoking unrest and attacking police in dozens of cities simultaneously; then, moving by tour bus through the countryside to burn and loot small towns, only to be turned back by the armed …

NYC-ABC PP/POW updates Nov. 3, 2020

NOTE: If you send the updates to Kojo Bomani Sababu, his address has changed as USP Canaan has shifted to a privatized mail service: Kojo Bomani Sababu* #39384-066 USP Canaan Smart Communications Post Office Box 30 Pinellas Park, Florida  33781 *Address envelope to Grailing Brown. Here’s the latest compilation of …