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Political Prisoners

[Red Army Faction] The Stammheim "Suicides"

“Gudrun, Andreas and Jan were tortured andmurdered at Stammheim prison” the last in a four part series on the events of October 1977, which culminated in three deaths in Stammheim prison exactly thirty years ago today… The Stammheim “Suicides” (1) In previous installments we have seen how the Red Army …

Former Communist Guerilla Jean-Marc Rouillan Granted Restricted Freedom – the French State Appeals…

Today the Paris sentencing court ruled in favour of Jean-Marc Rouillan’s request for “restricted freedom”. This qas quickly followed by news that the State was appealing this decision; the courts will rule within the next two months, but in the meantime Rouillan remains in prison. Nevertheless, this is a step …

MOVE 9 Prisoner Janet Africa Harrassed

It seems Janet Africa – one of the MOVE political prisoners – is being harassed by guards at SCI Cambridge Springs. The following alert from Ramona Africa: ONA MOVE! This is an alert to all of our supporters that the guards at SCI-Cambridge Springs, where our sisters are housed, are …