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Political Prisoners

Good News Regarding Russell Maroon Shoatz

The following good news regarding New Afrikan Prisoner of War Russell Maroon Shoatz: New Afrikan Political Prisoner/POW Russell “Maroon” Shoatz suffered fromchest pains for weeks while prison officials repeatedly ignored his demands for appropriate medical attention. On April 26 outside pressure at last forced SCI Greene to allow him to …

Support Grows for Trevor Miller

A couple of weeks ago i reposted an item from Indymedia about Mohawk political prisoner Trevor Miller. Miller was arrested at a protest at Grassy Narrows on August 9th and was charged with being part of an incident between Six Nations men from the Reclamation Site outside of Caledonia and …

Videos About the Struggle to Free Trevor Miller!

This is a short film covering the December 9th protest outside the Hamilton Detention Center to free Six Nations Political Prisoner Trevor Miller. (From Google video.) Janie Jamieson speaks about Six Nations Political Prisoner Trevor Miller, outside the Cayuga courthouse on Dec 11th, 2006. (From Google video.) Stuart Myiow speaks …

Robert Seth Hayes Facing Harassment

On November 11th political prisoner Robert Seth Hayes had his cell searched, and had several papers seized “for inspection.” While no itemized list of seized documents was supplied to Seth (as the prisoncrats are supposed to do), amongst those items confiscated were the 2006 and 2007 Certain Days Freedom for …

Letter from Seth (2003)

Revolutionary Greetings Everyone! I take this opportunity to address all of you in this fashion to save time and conserve material and energy for tomorrow’s fight.  In this missive I wish to notify you that I have “relinquished” my right to my appeal to the Division of Parole from my …