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J. Sakai Reviews AIDS Conspiracy Theories

David Gilbert’s A.I.D.S. Conspiracy? Tracking the Real Genocide is a strong contribution to our knowledge about how to fight the Plague. At first, like so many of us, i thought this horrifying epidemic just had to be some biological warfare experiment run loose. The often-quoted “evidence” in the writings of …

Former Political Prisoner Laura Whitehorn

Since the 60s, Laura Whitehorn has been active in struggles from the civil rights movement to supporting the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Movement and the New Afrikan Independence Movement, to fighting the KKK and organized white supremacy, supporting the Puerto Rican Independence, struggle and fighting for the …

Reflections on the Demise of Bash Back!

The following article, “Reflections on the Demise of Bash Back!”, is from the recently released zine Pink and Black Revolution #6, available for download here. Bash Back! was started in 2007 as a network of queer anarchists to have a specifically queer presence at the Democratic National Convention and Republican …

Thinking about Warlordism

Nothing guts a thought so much as apologetic blahblahblah stuck at the beginning, letting all and sundry know that you can’t stand by what you’re about to say without establishing all your escape routes ahead of time. But there you go… i’ve spent (wasted?) too many hours over the past …


What happens when the foundations are cut out from under an observation? When a solid thought gets emptied out, vacated, left as hollow as a drum? When we’re talking ideas, what does a giant with feet of clay look like? An emperor with no clothes? Could what seems that way …

Genealogy vs. Context

This is more a note for future reference than a thought-out argument, so bear with me (or skip, if you prefer). When we think about things, they have two aspects which we need to grasp. i’ll call these genealogy and context.Genealogy is where things get their identity from. I.e. the …