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Radical Artwork
Directory of artwork available on Kersplebedeb site.
Kersplebedeb Font
Kersplebedeb is – you guessed it – a radical dingbat font i designed. It includes a lot of generic radical symbols (feminist, lesbian, anarchist, etc.) plus some black and white clipart i thought people might like. Prepare to recognize some of the images from my buttons collection – i use …
Liens Francophones
Liens Francophones Amnistia! amnistiez vos prejuges, laissez respirer vos pensees Anarchist Black Cross (Gent, Belgique) ALGI – Archives Gaies du Québec Charlie Hebdo (France) Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (Montréal, Canada) Convergence des Luttes Anticapitalistes (CLAC) (Montréal, Québec)Du bruit, de l’image et du sens Groupe Anarchiste Émile Henry (Québec, …
Learning to Love the PatriarchyNOT! Texts of Interest
Films for Thought
Qaddafi’s Female Bodyguards: Shadows of a Leader (read description from Montreal World Film Festival ) Zohre & Manouchehr (read description from Montreal World Film Festival ) France 2004 / Video / Colour / 70 min by Mitra Farahani A look at sex and sexuality in contemporary Iran, i found this …
Kersplebedeb Download Page
Free clipart, fonts and electronic postcards. From a queer,feminist and revolutionary point of view.
Support the struggle!
Resources, writings and links about the revolutionary left in Mexico, with a focus on the Zapatistas (EZLN) and the situation in Chiapis.
A crazy list of progressive,gay,lesbian and feminist bookstores across North America
Stores That Sell Kersplebedeb
Where Do You Find You Kersplebedeb? a surely incomplete list of stores where you can (sometimes) find some of my stuff… Arise Resource Center and Bookstore 2441 Lyndale Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55404 tel: (612) 871-7110 email: arise@arisebookstore.orgweb: Blustockings 172 Allen St. New York City, NY 10002 tel: (212) …