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Kuwasi Balagoon: A Soldier’s Story reviewed by Allan Antliff in Alternative Press Review This is a collection of statements, letters, and a few articles by Kuwasi Balagoon, who died in prison on December 13, 1986. Balagoon became radical in the late 1960s, when many leftist Americans pinned their hopes for …


“AIDS Conspiracy Theories: Tracking the Real Genocide” reviewed in Claustrophobia In this well-written and readable pamphlet, Dave Gilbert, who as the introduction points out, “is serving a life sentence on charges of participating, as white ally of the Black Liberation Army in the 1981 Brink’s expropriation and shoot-out with police”, …


Anarchists release updated AIDS pamphlet by International Minister MIM Notes #231, April 1st 2001 Communist anarchists are distributing a pamphlet about AIDS conspiracy theories and how AIDS is killing the people disproportionately from oppressed nations. In 62 pages, the essay thoroughly covers existing conspiracy theories that are setting back the …


Bottomfish Blues: The Coming of Black Genocide & other essays reviewed by Sister Immaculate Conception in The Blast #1, April/May 1994 As the back cover says, “Bottomfish Blues is an underground Amazon publication that has appeared anonymously and episodically in NYC since 1986. Its.two main themes radically challenge white women’s …


The Black Book of U.S. Imperialism: Ward Churchill’s Roosting Chickens by Jeb Brandt The Indypendent Jan. 9 2005 Although his book isn’t dedicated to them, Ward Churchill’s On the Justice of Roosting Chickens is a necessary intervention into not just the debates on the “new imperialism,” but the plot and …


Improvised Weapons of the American Undergound by M. Daily As the reviewers always say, “This book isn’t for everyone!”  But it is a home-brew classic, an early 1970s Right-Wing cousin to the much more famous Anarchist Cookbook.  Its Arizona publisher claimed no authorship or copyright, insisting only that their book …


Caliban and the Witch: Women, The Body, and Primitive Accumulation Reviewed by Chris Carlsson LiP Magazine, June 21st 2005 I happen to live next to the Black Cat Collective, a self-described witch coven. Like most of us who have not stopped to investigate the idea of witchcraft, I have tended …


Take the Rich Off Welfare, by Mark Zepezauer; 2004, South End Press, 184 pages pamphlet Reviewed by  Tracy McLellan The heart of this book, a 2004 update originally published in 1996, is in its opening pages, where Zepezauer presents the fomulas upon which his rich analysis devolves.  His  method of …


Witches of the ‘First International’ by Steven Colatrella Reviewing Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation; Silvia Federici [Autonomedia, Brooklyn, 2004] During the 16th and 17th century, hundreds of thousands of women were burned as witches across Europe. This holocaust, unprecedented in the history of any society …


FARC-EP and Colombia’s unfolding revolution Andy McInerneyWorkers World May 11, 2000 “FARC-EP: Historical Outline” International Commission of the FARC-EP, 2000. 146 pp. The United States government is preparing a massive escalation of its military intervention in Colombia. Colombia is already the third-biggest recipient of U.S. military aid in the world. …