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finding our way out

So we’re somewhere, can’t even agree on how to characterize where, but what we do agree on is we want to get out. There’s paths leading in all directions, and we can only see so far down each. Some we know are dead ends, some we know are worse. But …

Migrant Justice @ the Peoples’ Social Forum

No One Is Illegal | Personne n’est illĂ©gal | Nadie es ilegal from Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver (Coast Salish Territories) and other migrant justice organizers are coordinating the following set of workshops, films, dialogues and assemblies at the Peoples Social Forum – Forum social des peuples in Ottawa from Thursday, August …

People’s Social Forum, Ottawa August 21-24!

In case you haven’t heard, the People’s Social Forum — part of the global movement of social forums that have emerged at different levels since the first World Social Forum (WSF) was held in Porto Alegre (Brazil) in January 2001 — will be happening in Ottawa from August 21-24, i.e. next …

Ottawa Book Launch: The Communist Necessity

As part of the Peoples Social Forum, on August 23rd, J. Moufawad-Paul, author of MLM Mayhem! ( will be in Ottawa to attend the launch of his book, The Communist Necessity. A sleek and punchy treatise about the problems of social movementism and the need for a “new return” to …

How come so many UK leftists are Trots?

In Terry Bisson’s interview with Ken MacLeod in The Human Front (PM Press, 2013), there’s this great answer to Bisson’s question “How come so many UK leftists are Trots?” : Short answer: because Trotskyists in Britain moved fast on the CP’s crisis in the 1950s, and moved with the times …

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Valerie Solanas: Author: Breanne Fahs Format: Paperback Size: 352 pages ISBN: 9781558618480 Publisher: The Feminist Press at the CUNY Year: 2014 Price: $22.95 (USD) List price: $22.95 (USD) Quantity * Too drastic, too crazy, too “out there,” too early, too late, too damaged, too much—Valerie Solanas has been dismissed but never …

Presente! Latin@ Immigrant Voices in the Struggle for Racial Justice / Voces de Inmigrantes Latin@s en la Lucha por la Justicia Racial Editor:  Cristina TzintzĂşn Carlos PĂ©rez de Alejo Arnulfo ManrĂ­quez Format:  Paperback Size:  270 pages ISBN:  9781849351669 Publisher:  AK Press Year:  2014 Price: $17.95 (USD) List price: $17.95 (USD) Quantity * Mainstream media in the US tend to frame Latin@ immigrants in two ways. Right-wing pundits demonize them as a …