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Kevin Rashid Johnson STILL Being Denied Medical Care!

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson continues to suffer from chronic health problems and HAS NOT YET BEEN SEEN BY A DOCTOR. Despite the fact that he has carefully followed prison protocol and despite his being referred by two different nurses for an MD visit, he still has not received one. This was …

Solidarity with Bobette!

At the last May Day protest, police repression was brutal and a lot of protesters were hurt. Bobette was specifically targeted by the SPVM because of her political activities; they physically attacked her and psychologically harassed her. You can read a summary of what happened to Bobette on May Day …

Resisting Carceral Nation States: The Fifteenth International Conference on Penal Abolition

Next weekend (Thursday night-Sunday night) is the Fifteenth International Conference on Penal Abolition.  The conference is being held in at the University of Ottawa, on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin Territory currently occupied by the Canadian carceral state. The conference will be happening from June 12 to 15, bringing together dozens of speakers …

Futures, by John Barker

(from the Guardian) Just over 40 years ago, John Barker appeared in the dock at the Old Bailey charged, as a member of the Angry Brigade, with conspiracy to cause explosions. He was jailed for 10 years at the end of what was then Britain’s longest trial. Now he has written …

Update on Kevin “Rashid” Johnson’s Situation (June 5, 2014)

From Prison Radio: Solitary confinement is torture. Kevin Rashid Johnson has spent decades in the hole. Last week we put out an urgent Medical Alert Eblast urging care for severe headaches and dangerous blood pressure levels. That same day Kevin Rashid Johnson’s legal advisor on his Oregon cases, Ben Haile of the Portland Law …

Demand Medical Care for Kevin “Rashid” Johnson!

Dear Friends: Kevin Rashid Johnson experienced a frightening medical crisis beginning on May 14th, we just got word of it a few days ago. He had crippling pain behind his left eye, blurred vision, and very high blood pressure.  This case of severe hypertension if untreated could cause life threatening medical …

The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States

The Struggle Within is an accessible yet wide-ranging historical primer about how mass imprisonment has been a tool of repression deployed against diverse left-wing social movements over the last fifty years. Berger examines some of the most dynamic social movements across half a century: black liberation, Puerto Rican independence, Native …

New Webstore at!

It is with great pleasure that i can tell you that — the webstore associated with kersplebedeb — has been completely overhauled. For the longest time, the previous shopping cart system was giving my grief. It was not flexible enough, and was not able to be tweaked and modified …

At “Law and Disorder” (May 2014)

The following text (reblogged from by Jenny Esquivel, Kristian Williams, and scott crow addresses the disruption of the recent Law and Disorder conference in Portland: On May 10, 2014, we attempted to speak on a panel at Law and Disorder entitled, “Informants: Types, Cases & Warning Signs.” This is a …