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Antifascist Memorial by Andrew Dupont

“It was on this site, the Lustgarten, during the war, May 18, 1942, that members of the antifascist resistance groups associated with Herbert Baum attempted to burn down the slanderous Nazi propaganda exhibit called ‘Soviet Paradise.’ The attempt was a protest against the war and the terror of the National …

Female shirtwaist strikers being taken into custody by the police at Jefferson Market Prison, 1909. by Kheel Center, Cornell University

Title: Female shirtwaist strikers being taken into custody by the police at Jefferson Market Prison, 1909. Date: 1909 Photographer: Unknown Photo ID: 5780PB32F27C Collection: International Ladies Garment Workers Union Photographs (1885-1985) Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood …

Panoramic Banksy by knezovjb

Panoramic view of a very political piece. Was very topical at the time of creation: Boris Johnson (the newly elected London mayor) features heavily, as does the Dalai Lama (who was in town visiting) and the Chinese Olympic torch. Also a tip to Obama with a ‘time to change’. Benazir …

Hope Breathing Life: Postcards for Liberation by Zolo Agona Azania

  Kesplebedeb Distribution is pleased to announce the publication of Hope Breathing Life: Postcards for Liberation by Zolo Agona Azania.Hope Breathing Life is a collection of postcards representing the art of Zolo Agona Azania. Zolo is not only a remarkable artist but also a political prisoner, and the victim of a racist frame-up.Owusu …