End of Winter 2013 New Titles From Kersplebedeb Left-Wing Books

Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader Nine-Tenths of the Law: Property and Resistance in the United States We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation Be Realistic Demand the Impossible 4Strugglemag #21 Fall 2012 Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook Glance in the Rear View Mirror: Neoliberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present Message to the Movement Taking Brooklyn Bridge Anarchy Comics: The Complete Collection Occupy Education and Capitalism: Struggles for Learning and Liberation My People Are Rising: Memoir of a Black Panther Party Captain The Meaning of Freedom And Other Difficult Dialogues Occupying Language: The Secret Rendezvous with History and the Present Support Hurt: Notes on Torture in a Modern Democracy Making Stuff & Doing Things: A Collection of DIY Guides to Just About Everything Chainbreaker Bike Book: A Rough Guide to Bicycle Maintenance The Congo: A European Invention How and Why: A Do-It-Yourself Guide Unemployment The Politics of Cocaine: How U.S. Foreign Policy Has Created a Thriving Drug Industry in Central and South America Learning Good Consent Ashamed to Die: Silence, Denial, and the AIDS Epidemic in the South A Rough Guide to Bicycle Maintenience Sick The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of an American Gang The Molecular Invasion Fukushima Mon Amour Communization and Its Discontents: Contestation, Critique, and Contemporary Struggles Pirate Utopias: Moorish Corsairs & European Renegadoes Flesh Machine: Cyborgs, Designer Babies, and New Eugenic Consciousness Freeing Silvia Baraldini Edge City Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth A History of Pan-African Revolt Deadly She-Wolf: Assassination at Armageddon (book and cd) Cannabis Chassidis: The Ancient and Emerging Torah of Drugs Revolutionary Writing: Common Sense Essays In Post-Political Politics Punkademics: The Basement Show in the Ivory Tower Toward a Global Autonomous University: Cognitive Labor, The Production of Knowledge, and Exodus from the Education Factory Revolutions in Reverse: Essays on Politics, Violence, Art, and Imagination The Taqwacores This World We Must Leave and Other Essays Cracking the Movement: Squatting Beyond the Media Night Vision: A First to Third World Vampyre Opera

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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