Free Maroon Philly Collective and Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoats on Upcoming Prisoner Strikes

The Free Maroon Philly Collective supports the prisoners at Pelican Bay who have resumed a hunger strike after the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation have failed to comply with prisoners’ demands. As a collective fighting for freedom and an end to the violence of mass incarceration, we salute the Pelican Bay hunger strikers for their tenacity and courage to protest the inhumane conditions of their imprisonment. As the FMPC engages in a campaign to end the solitary confinement of Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz, who has served 21 consecutive years of solitary confinement, we note that it is increasingly important for those who engage in struggle against the prison industrial complex system to support each other’s efforts. Maroon himself has stated, “I’m thrilled to know that the actions of the prisoners in Georgia, California and elsewhere have been taking steps to end the monstrous conditions they face. For them to be able to overcome the decades of bloody prison staff provoked and sanctioned violence between the various ethnic, racial and regional affiliations is truly historic, and points to the potential to move forward”.


From the Free Maroon Philly Collective’s facebook page.

For more on political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoats, see his website at

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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