Collective Liberation on my mind

Collective Liberation on my mind

by Chris Crass

Introduction: The essays collected together in this pamphlet are intended to further debate and discussion about some of the challenges facing the contemporary anarchist/social justice movements. The challenge of developing a critical political analysis and organizing practice based in an understanding of how white supremacy, patriarchy, heterosexism, capitalism and the state interconnect. The challenge of building a movement that is multiracial, anti-racist, feminist, queer liberationist, environmentalist, anti-capitalist and radically democratic. The challenge of putting forward a vision that is rooted in solidarity, ecological sustainability, cooperation and autonomy. The challenge of organizing against oppression, while also working against reproducing oppression in our organizing. The challenge of working for collective liberation. Together we can, forever we must.

Published by Kersplebedeb in May 2000, this 64-page pamphlet brings together essays by Chris Crass, a writer and organizer working to bridge anarchist theory and practice with race, class and gender analysis of power. Essays examining the prospects and arguments for a pro-actively multicultural and feminist movement againt capitalism and oppression in general, grounded in the everyday realities of the oppressed. Reflections on the Battle of Seattle, the civil rights movement, elitism in “the movement” and more. This illustrated pamphlet is available for $2.50 (U.S.) plus shipping from Kersplebedeb. As always you can pay by cheque, money order, or via the PayPal email system. Get in touch to place your order! Discounts available to bookstores, distributers and activist groups. Read a review of this booklet by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz in Clamor Magazine!

What follows is the table of contents of this pamphlet. Some of the texts are available online on the Kersplebedeb website (more will be uploaded later on) – just follow the links!


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K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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