Free All Political Prisoners and PRisoners of War Calendar 2005

artwork by Zolo Agona Azania, New Afrikan Prisoner of War – for more information on Zolo click here “The Death Penalty is a Hate Crime”, by former political prisoner Laura Whitehorn (click here for more information on Laura)
woodcut by Rebekah Tarín
See also profile pages devoted toDavid Gilbert and Robert Seth Hayes .
- The Prison Industrial Complex (by Angela Davis, artwork by Zolo Agona Azania, poetry by Chrystos)
- Truth and Resistance: US Out of Iraq (by Oscar López Rivera, artwork by Doug Minkler)
- Dykes and Fags Want to Know (an excerpt of an interview with Lesbian Political Prisoners Laura Whitehorn, Linda evans and Susan Rosenberg, when they were still in prison, artwork by Laura Whitehorn )
- A Letter from Peltier on John Graham (by Leonard Peltier, artwork by Rebekah Tar ín )
- Justice for Immigrants! (by Farouk Abdel-Mahti, artwork by Kandis Friesen)
- Prison Torture: At Home and Abroad (text and artwork by Tom Manning)
- Detention (by Mohamed Cherfi, artwork by Theodore Harris)
- Black August (a 1995 text by Mumia Abu-Jamal and the late Albert Nuh Washington, with artwork by Malcolm X Grassroots Movement NYC, poetry by Marilyn Buck)
- “The Member of Our Wedding” (by Susie Day, artwork by Doug Minkler)
- Parole (by Chesa Boudin, artwork by Theodore Harris)
- Abu Ghraib and the Logic of Conquest (by David Gilbert, artwork by A Happy World Production – click here to read this text online )
- Eco-Defence (a letter to Jeffrey “Free” Luers from Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin)
COST: $15.00 plus shipping
The calendar is a project that was initiated by Herman Bell, and has been shaped throughout the process by the ideas of all of the participants in the process by all of our ideas, discussions and analaysis. The outside collectives compile, edit and produce the calendar. All of our members are involved in day to day organizing work, on issues ranging from Palestinian solidarity to gender violence to prisoner justice. We work from an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, feminist, queer and trans positive position. Throughout our productrion process, we seek the input and guidance of the three Political Prisoners involved in the project: Robert Seth Hayes, Herman Bell and David Gilbert. For us, it is extremely important that people on the streets recognize the history of today’s social movements, and how that ties in with solidarity for PPs/POWs. We want to emphasise the ongoing involvement and continued commitment of PPs/POWs in these same movements. We are excited to be in our fourth year of producing the calendar, and we are committed to continuing to raise awareness of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in Canada and the United States.
Although it is no longer available, to see some art and the themes of the 2004 Free All Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War Calendar, please click here .
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