Free All Political Prisoners Calendar 2006


CERTAIN DAYS: the 2006 Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar

artwork from calendar  Free Country

details from an installation by Heritage High School Student Artists, NYCCertain Days: the 2006 freedom for Political Prisoners Calendarcover art by Zolo Agona Azaniaby Nidal Elk-Hairy

Produced by activists in Montreal and New York City, with the input and guidance of political prisoners David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell.

FOCUSING ON: Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in Canada and the United States. Both countries officially deny that they have political prisoners, just as the South African government claimed that Nelson Mandela was not a prisoner of war in that country until internal and international pressure won his release.




  • Thank you Cuba (by Marilyn Buck)
  • The Mid-Winter Harvest Pogram  (by Sue Collins and the Midwinter Harvest Program)
  • Repression of Sex Workers in Montreal (by Stella)
  • Radiation Nation: Reopening the niocan mine has residents nearby worried (by Dan David)
  • MOVE, Abu Ghaib and Imperialism (by Michael Africa)
  • 1st Annual Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice: Call for Action! (by The Audre Lorde Project)
  • Migration, displacement and (de)Colonization (by Harsha Walia)
  • Iraq and More! (by Hanif Shabazz Bey)
  • To All Progressive Artists! (by Emory Douglas, from “The Black Panther”, August 29th 1970)
  • Free Country ’02  (by Netdake Williams Stoddard, Richard Williams’ son)
  • Lynne Stewart: attorneys and imprisonment after 9-11 (by Netdake Williams Stoddard)
  • Assata: Terrorist or Survivor of Terrorism? (by Mumia Abu-Jamal)
  • Excerpts from a Talk Given By A Palestinian ex-prisoner (Mahmoud Najar)

All funds raised by Calendar Commitee will go to direct support of political prisoners and anti-imperialist struggles. Funds are being shared between the New York State Task Force on Political Prisoners,All of Us or None, the Mid-Winter Harvest Program and No One Is Illegal (Montreal). This project is a collaboration between outside organizers and U.S. Political Prisoners Herman Bell, Robert Seth Hayes and David Gilbert.

In the words of the Calendar committee

The calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organisers in Montreal and NYC, and 3 Political Prisoners being held in maximum-security prisons in New York state. The initial project was suggested by Political Prisoner Herman Bell, and has been shaped throughout the process by all of our ideas, discussions, and analysis. The outside collectives compile, edit and produce the calendar; and throughout the process, we seek the input and guidance of the 3 Political Prisoners: Robert Seth Hayes, Herman Bell, and David Gilbert. All of the members of the outside collectives are involved in day-to-day organising work other than the calendar, on issues ranging from Palestinian solidarity to gender-based violence to prisoner justice. We work from an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer and trans positive position.

Be sure to check out these Kersplebedeb pages:

 Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War Page

Literature Rack

Police & Justice Issues Page

David Gilbert, Seth Hayes, Herman Bell

See also profile pages devoted toDavid Gilbert and Robert Seth Hayes

to see the current 2009 calendar please click here

to order email or else contact one of the addresses below:

Calendar Committee c/o QPIRG Concordia 1420 Sherbrooke ST. W., suite 404 Montreal, QC H3G 1K5
Certain Days Old Chelsea Station PO Box 64 New York, NY 10113
Kersplebedeb CP 63560 CCCP Van Horne Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3W 3H8

For more information of this calendar, go to:

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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