Looking for Information about Tear Gassed Children on May 1st in Montreal

After witnessing various incomprehensible scenes last Friday (May 1st), some member of the “Parents United Against Austerity” committee would like to get into contact with people whose children were teargassed, in order to collect statements about what happened. Please contact us at comite.parents.unis@gmail.com

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Après avoir assistĂ© Ă  des scènes hors de l’entendement hier, (1er mai 2015), certains membres du comitĂ© de ”Parents unis contre l’austĂ©ritĂ©” cherchent Ă  entrer en contact avec des gens dont les enfants ont Ă©tĂ© gazĂ©s afin de rĂ©colter des tĂ©moignages. Veuillez nous contacter au comite.parents.unis@gmail.com

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K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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