Mending The World As Jewish Anarchists: Book Launch & Discussion [VIDEO]

This is a recording of the April 29, 2021 book launch for There is Nothing so Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists, available now!

The event, revolving around the theme of “mending the world,” will feature reflections from editor Cindy Milstein as well as the following contributors:

Leigh Hoffman is a Jewish, punk, polyamorous nursing student, community builder, and socialist living in TiohtiĂ :ke (Montreal, Canada).

Aaron Lakoff is a media maker, DJ, and community organizer from Montreal. He is the Communications and Media Lead for Independent Jewish Voices Canada.

Ami Weintraub is a Jewish educator and anarchist living in Pittsburgh. They help organize Ratzon: Center for Healing and Resistance, a place for queer folks, youths, Jewish folks, and those from marginalized backgrounds to mend their jagged edges.

Malcah is an Ashkenazi Jewish anarchist living in waspy Kingston, Canada, occupied Haudenausonee and Anishinaabe land. She has been active within locally based antiauthoritarian projects for the last fifteen years.

Shoni is an anarchist Jewish representative of Neptune on earth.

Avi is a klezmer purveyor committed to yiddishkeit, anarchism, and cooking for community. He lives in Montreal on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka & Anishnabe territory.


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