Salon du livre anarchiste – Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

Montreal’s Sixth Annual ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR

Saturday, May 21st, 2005 10am to 6pm

This year’s anarchist bookfair will take place from 10am to 6pm at CÉDA, 2515 rue Delisle (by metro Lionel -Groulx), in the south west of Montreal, Quebec, Canaduh. The following day of workshops will also be held at this location.

books, pamphlets & zines … discussion, readings & debates … poetry, film & art … workshops, lectures & panels … and more …

 For the sixth consecutive year, Montreal will be hosting the Anarchist Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy. The Bookfair has become an important community event, attracting at least 1000 visitors to the main Bookfair space for each year. There will be tables representing booksellers and distributors, as well as anarchist groups and collectives, from all over Montreal, Quebec, Canada and the United States, and around the world. As in the past, the Bookfair will be part of a Festival of Anarchy during the month of May in Montreal. The Festival encompasses music shows, spoken word and poetry cabarets, panels and lectures, anarchist sporting events (!), and much more. The Bookfair is by donation. In the past, proceeds from the Bookfair has supported local projects like Books to Prisoners and the Committee of the Unemployed, as well as an anarchist library in Mexico City, and a land occupation project in Uruguay.


If you are from the Montreal-area, and want to get involved in organizing and publicizing the Bookfair, please get in touch by phone or e-mail. The Montreal Bookfair collective meets regularly every few weeks. If you are a bookseller, distributor or anarchist collective, and would like to participate in the upcoming Bookfair, you are encouraged to get in touch. There is a sliding scale fee for tables. Tables must be confirmed in advance. If you are from outside the Montreal-area, and can help to promote the Bookfair where you live, please contact the bookfair collective by e-mail, phone or post. They can send you promotional posters and flyers. If you would like to help, need more information, want to table, or for any other reason want to contact the bookfair organizers, please email or else phone 514-859-9090. The bookfair also has its own snazzy web page up at


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K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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