Montreal Scene

Other Websites

PUnk raWk iN MOnTReAl (riot girl montreal) Montreal Mirror the local weekly entertainment newspaper. Easy site to navigate in search of movie listings, local news, etc. The cheap-skate’s guide to Montreal The Montreal Page list all kinds of local stuff, very mainstream but perhaps worth checking out, if only for the directory of Montreal bookstores . Back in April the Montreal Mirror published a slightly ridiculous look at “Montreal activists”. While not worth the paper it was written on, in cyberpsace pixels are cheaper than paper so you may want to check it out to get a (very) rough and incomplete idea of what goes on in town. Click here!  


Divers Cité (July 31st-August 6th) Montreal’s annual “Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual” Pride festival. It used to be a festival, now its getting to be more of a corporate rainbow-flag version of the Saint Patrick’s Day parade, albeit without the beer. Oh well! Montreal World Film Festival (August 25th-September 4th) Oftentimes lots of cool stuff, so it is worth checking out. La Liste des Shows D’icitte ! a list of music shows in Montreal and Quebec City. Unfortunately mainly pretty mainstream.  


Other Bookstores

InfoLivres – ok, its just a computer bookstore, but giiven the rip-off prices that most computer books are sold at, its nice to have a place with older books for as little as $1 and most of its stock regulatrly at 50% off 1245 University 878-2522

Westscott Books – “Quality Used Books Bought and Sold” – with two locations, its overcrowded shelves and tables occasionally yield some good finds. 1917 Ste Catherine West 937-4494

& 2065 Ste Catherine West 846-4037    


L’X – by far my favourite punk club in Montreal. All age shows, generally reasonable prices, diy. Check it out! telephone: 866-4004 182 Ste Catherine East (between metro St-Laurent and metro Berri-UQAM)  


Café Rico – 969 Rachel East, tel: 525-9232; a “fair trade” café which even has its own website at

Cuisine Bangkok – not vegetarian, but it does have a couple of dozen vegetarian options, and very cheap prices. My personal favourite. 1616 Ste Catherine W, the 3rd floor 935-2178

Les Vivres St-Dominique corner Mont-Royal (metro Mont-Royal) – vegan restaurant, to read a story about the place from the Montreal Mirror click here

Pushap’s- Excellent Indian vegetarian food. Family-run. Catering available. Full service. Open Mon-Sun. Out of the way but worth dropping in if you’re in the neighbourhood – lots of Indian sweets and samosas three for a dollar takeout! 5195 Pare near Namur metro station, 737-4527 (small)  

Things to do for free

Walk over “the Mountain” (really a glorified hill), this big park in the middle of town. You can spend hours walking on it, with no traffic in sight. Unfortunately, the occasional cop on horseback is there to remind you that you can’t really get away from it all quite that easily…

On Sundays, go to the statue by Parc Jeanne Mance on the Mountain and listen to drummers, or bring a drum yourself and play.

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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