[Montreal] June 2nd Benefit Show in Solidarity with Six Nations!

Friday June 2nd, 8pm
Toc Toc Café 6091 Parc/ Van Horne
Metro Outremont
FBI Jedeyez
Lisa Hoffman
Suggested donation: 5-10$

The struggle against the theft of Six Nations land continues! This fundraiser will help maintain the Six Nations peoples’ efforts in their land reclamation. They have been occupying since March 3rd 2006 a construction site on their land ( on the Haldimand Tract) where the company Henco is trying to build an enormous 71-lot subdivision, “The Douglas Creek Estates.”
“Six Nations” refers to the six nations that are part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy: Gayogoho:no (Cayuga), Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk), Onyota’a:ka (Oneida), Onoda’gega (Onondaga), Onodowahgah (Seneca), and Ska-ru-ren (Tuscarora). The traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy crosses the colonial US/Canada border, including parts of “Ontario”, “Quebec”, “Pennsylvania”, “Ohio”, “New York”, and “New Hampshire”.
There are many Rotin’oshon’ni communities. The Six Nations reserve is in the area known as southern “Ontario”, near the towns of Brantford, Caledonia, and Hagersville. Other Rotin’oshon’ni communities include KanehsatĂ :ke, Kahnawake, Ganlengeh, Tonawanda, Allegany, Cattaragus, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga, and Gibson. There are also many Rotin’oshon’ni living outside these areas.
Since 1795 the Crown has continually stolen more and more land for occupation by settlers, sale to developers, and road construction. The area officially designated by the Canadian government as the Six Nations reserve is now less than 5% of the original area promised by the Crown in 1784.
On April 20, 2006 at around 4:30 AM, the camp was swarmed by police in cruisers and vans, using batons, tear gas cannons, and Tasers. The Police states that they arrested 16 people. The people resisted the invasion and managed to push the police back and hold the line. They need our support to maintain the resistance!

please spread the news widely, thank you!
For more information and to find out how you can show support contact the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement or check out the Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty website.


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