Swift setwing on barbed wire by Vicki’s Nature

Please help: Monteen McCord is a wildlife rehabber who needs your help. She takes in all the owls and hawks that are found injured by folks like you and me. She has dedicated her life and her home to this (it’s an amazing place). She may lose her home, her critters and property if support doesn’t pick up SOON. If you can just send $10 please do it today. If you can send more – thanks! If you know of someone with the means to help in a big way, would you let them know about Monteen’s work? The animals she saves will thank you …
Winner, Beautiful World Challenge Group, Alliteration (nature), 7-11
Winner (Sweep), game, Only one medal, 7-11
Photograph of the Day, Dragonfly Gallery, July 18, 2011
Winner, Faves, 10-19 Faves, 11-11
Winner, The Challenge Factory, Barbed wire, 11-11
Winner, Friendly challenges, Right/left/center, 12-11
Winner, Big Momma award, The Mother of All Challenge Groups, Anything goes, 1-12
Winner, Faves, Favored, 8-12
Winner, Faves, Top Seed, 8-12
Winner, You Rock!, Rule of thirds, 9-12
Winner, 15 challenges, Pointy, 9-12
Winner, Faves, Favorite Son, 1-13
Winner (Sweep), Storybook, Sharp, 4-13
via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/a2hreo
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