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The Truth Behind Shawn Brant’s Latest Arrest: Racism in Ontario

The following released yesterday by Sue Collins, regarding the ongoing persecution of Shawn Brant. Shawn Brant’s Arrest – Statement by Sue Collis, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (May 4th, 2008) Eight days ago, on Friday, April 25th, 2008, my husband, Shawn Brant, was arrested and detained on assault and weapons charges. Since …

One Round for Our Side: Police Withdraw from Tyendinaga

Barricades came down in Ontario Tuesday, as the anti-colonial resisters at Tyendinaga are declaring victory. The following from The Dominion: After a week of tension the police services have declared withdrawal from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Though announcing today all Ontario Provincial Police barricades are to be removed, cruisers and …

News and Activity Regarding Tyendinaga

Updates about the recent confrontations at Tyendinaga and Six Nations – i apologize for not posting about this yesterday. Readers in Toronto should note the emergency rally planned for tomorrow. ——————————————————————————————– Update: Tense Standoff Continues in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Shawn Brant Arrested on Trumped-Up Charges Once Again ——————————————————————————————– **please note …

OPP attacks Mohawk Protest at Tyendinaga

Pig yelling at observers as he and pals wrestle protester on the ground Lots of news about the unfolding confrontation between Ontario Provincial Police and the Mohawks of Tyendinaga – this is a series of different pieces, several from the colonial media: URGENT CALL: FRIDAY APRIL 25TH 2008- MOHAWKS OF …

No Olympics on Stolen Land! Great Lakes & East Coast Speaking Tour

No Olympics on Stolen Land! Great Lakes & East Coast Speaking TourWith Kanahus Pellkey from the Native Youth Movement and Dustin Johnson With the 2010 Winter Olympics scheduled to occur on unceded Coast Salish, St’at’imc and Squamish territory in two years, the spectacle surrounding them continues to wreak havoc on …

Immigrant Workers Centre Statement On Racist Reasonable Accommodation Bullshit

Here is an excellent statement on the racist “reasonable accommodation” hearings in Quebec, from Montreal’s Immigrant Workers Centre: Whose Reasonable Accommodation ? The debate raised in Quebec on ‘reasonable accommodation’ is built on a number of false assumptions about the relationship between majority groups (‘we’) and minorities (‘they’) and what …

Henry Aubin on the Police Murder of Robert Dziekanski

cellphone-video of an RCMP murder:Robert Dziekanski was killed on October 14 inVancouver International Airport Pulling the plug on Taser deathsINCLUDING A CAMERA on the electric-shock weapon would help clear up questions on its use HENRY AUBIN Everyone is appalled by the tragic death of a man in Vancouver after police …

Upping The Anti #5 Now Available from Kersplebedeb

Another issue of Canada’s best radical journal of theory and action, or should we say activism… That’s two this year, for those keeping track… here’s a look inside: Editorial Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Social Democracy and Anti-Capitalist Renewal in English Canada Interviews The Fight for Feminism (Sunera …