Upping The Anti #5 Now Available from Kersplebedeb

Another issue of Canada’s best radical journal of theory and action, or should we say activism…
That’s two this year, for those keeping track…
here’s a look inside:
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Social Democracy and Anti-Capitalist Renewal in English Canada
- The Fight for Feminism (Sunera Thobani)
- The Tradition of Resistance, on Indigenous Anti-Colonialism (Gord Hill)
- From the Perspective of Resistance (Michael Hardt)
- Into a Black Hole: Tar Sands and Oil Production in Western Canada (Macdonald Stainsby)
- Strength in Numbers? why radical students need a new organizing model (Caelie Frampton)
- The Three Way Fight Debate, on Islam, Fascism and the Left, with Rami El-Amine and Michael Staudenmeier
Roundtable: You Can’t Jail the Spirit
- The Movement to Free Political Prisoners (Bryan Doherty and Tom Keefer)
- Interviews with Ashanti Alston, Robert Seth Hayes, Susan Tipograph and Sara Falconer
Book reviews by Chris Harris (of Muhammad Ahmad’s We Will Return in the Whirlwind), Anna Feigenbaum (of Ward Churchill’s Pacifism as Pathology and Peter Gelderloos’ How Nonviolence Protects the State) and Matthew N. Lyons (of April Rosenblum’s The Past Didn’t Go Anywhere)
& don’t forget those ever-interesting book reviews and letters to the editor…
You can order copies by emailing me at info@kersplebedeb.com or to order by using paypal just click here:

To order back issues you can also email me or else visit the Upping the Anti page on the Kersplebedeb website.
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