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Jane Doe on Rape

Balcony Rapist to be releasedWhy men rape and why women’s resources are cut need attention, argues ’80s victim Toronto Star, Feb 23, 2007Betsy PowellCrime Reporter Jane Doe has mixed feelings about the release from prison of the man who raped her more than 20 years ago, saying that focusing on …

RCMP Dirty Tricks

Comrades should be reading the following article, not because we have any sympathy with drug lords – reactionary scum often in bed with the cops – but because what the RCMP did to them they will most certainly be willing to do to us… The victims of this police investigation …

[Press Release] Why Did British Columbia Sentence Aboriginal Elder to Death?

“What we need is [an] Aboriginal Malcolm X to put some pride back into these lost souls.” – Elder Harriet Nahanee, 1995 This just is: Fellow Aboriginal activists and concerned non-indigenous citizens demand answers regarding the death of Harriet Nahanee as a direct result of her incarceration On February 24, …

Nine Year Old Begs Canada’s #1 Racist For Help

Another fucking crime of capitalism. It is completely understandable that a kid spoon-fed lies about “Canadian citizenship” and thrown into prison at the age of nine because his parents are of the wrong nationality might write to Stephen “Kill the Poor” Harper, hoping for some help. This kind of racist …

Radicals and the State

Upping The Anti #3 features interviews with Aijaz Ahmad and William Robinson, each of whom discusses different questions, looking at different parts of the world, but nevertheless both touch on some common concerns. I’m not sure if this was the intention of the UTA crew or just happy happenstance, but …

Thinking About Growing Pains

Here are some further thoughts on Upping the Anti, the radical journal out of Toronto, Canada… The most ambitious part of Upping the Anti #3 is clearly its editorial, titled Growing Pains: The Anti-Globalization Movement, Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of the United Front. This is really a look at the …

Killer Cops East and West

A worthwhile article in last Friday’s Globe & Mail, by Sheema Khan, about the cop killings of Mohammed Anas Bennis in Montreal and Ian Bush in Vancouver: A tale of two young men SHEEMA KHANGlobe and Mail Update About a year ago, I visited my father’s grave at a Muslim …

Videos About the Struggle to Free Trevor Miller!

This is a short film covering the December 9th protest outside the Hamilton Detention Center to free Six Nations Political Prisoner Trevor Miller. (From Google video.) Janie Jamieson speaks about Six Nations Political Prisoner Trevor Miller, outside the Cayuga courthouse on Dec 11th, 2006. (From Google video.) Stuart Myiow speaks …