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Ottawa: Double book launch for two new books on antifascism!

Double book launch for Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism + Genealogies of Antifascism: Militancy, Critique, and the Three Way Fight An evening of discussion with Xtn Alexander, D.Z. Shaw, and Rob Luzecky. Friday, June 14, 6–8pmOttawa Trans Library (1104 Somerset St. W.)Facebook event Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics …

Montreal Launch: Genealogies of Antifascism (June 12)

WHEN: June 12, 7pm-9pm WHERE: Cooperative de SolidaritĂ© Agenda, 6692 Rue St-Denis, MontrĂ©al, QC H2S 2R9, Canada (Beaubien metro) Facebook event: An evening of discussion with author D.Z. Shaw. Aimed at a politically committed activist audience, Shaw’s Genealogies of Antifascism: Militancy, Critique, and the Three Way Fight provides a snapshot …

Canzine Ottawa, Nov. 6, 2022

Kersplebedeb is excited to be coming back to Canzine in Ottawa! Come see us and hundreds of zinesters and other small presses! Sunday, November 6th Ottawa Art Gallery 50 Mackenzie King Bridge 11 am – 6 pm Canzine, Canada’s largest festival of zines and independent print culture, is back and …

Sept. 10, 2022 – NYC Anarchist Bookfair

Kersplebedeb will be tabling at the NYC Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday, September 10. Come check us out! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022, from 2 PM, La Plaza Cultural Community Garden 16th Annual NYC Anarchist Bookfair The NYC Anarchist Book Fair brings hundreds of anarchists, anarchy supporters and curious visitors …

#RadicalDecember + Online Double Book Launch (Dec. 5)

#RadicalDecember events are happening all this month! Join us on Saturday, December 5th, 2020 at 7 pm EST for a virtual book launch — Devin Zane Shaw is the author of The Philosophy of Antifascism. Joshua Moufawad-Paul is the author of Demarcation and Demystification. Join our event to discuss antifascism and radical …