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Reasonable Accommodation Hearings: On the creation of a Muslim boogeywoman

On September 28 Christine Pelchat of the Quebec Council on the Status of Women proposed that the provincial government forbid public employees from wearing religious clothing – not only the Muslim headscarf but also the Jewish kippa, though, surprise surprise, crucifixes on necklaces would be ok because they’re not immediately …

Classes, Cops and Liberal Spin: Thinking About Montebello

By now it is old news that three police agents (poorly) disguised as members of the Black Bloc were outed on Tear Gas Monday, August 20th when over a thousand people marched against George Bush, Stephen Harper and Felipe Calderon in Montebello, Quebec. Captured on video, the three agents were …

What Is Racial Profiling?

For the past month or more i have been putting off reviewing this book about racial profiling. i’ve spent today hammering out some thoughts, but am not there yet – but it did occur to me that it would be useful to have some sketched out description of what the …

The Freedom to Wear What You Want

Men should not be telling women how to dress. In fact, let me extend that: people should not be telling other people how to dress.The only reason why i might dislike the hijab, niqab and burka is because i know that around the world many women are forced to wear …

Secularism, Women’s Liberation and Intervention: More on the Racist Reasonable Accommodation "Debate"

Regarding yesterdays post about the racist “reasonable accommodation debate”, one comrade sent me a comment in which he suggested that this was a “three way fight” situation, and that radicals should forge our own path by pursuing a strategy of radical secularism. In his words: Seem’s you are leaving a …

Racist "Reasonable Accommodation" Anxieties: A Short Summary

The brief version will suffice for right now – what follows is “catch up” for all of you who do not live in Quebec, and so may not know what this deal about Herouxville, “reasonable accommodation” and such is all about. Those of you who do live here will probably …

Radicals and the State

Upping The Anti #3 features interviews with Aijaz Ahmad and William Robinson, each of whom discusses different questions, looking at different parts of the world, but nevertheless both touch on some common concerns. I’m not sure if this was the intention of the UTA crew or just happy happenstance, but …

Thinking About Growing Pains

Here are some further thoughts on Upping the Anti, the radical journal out of Toronto, Canada… The most ambitious part of Upping the Anti #3 is clearly its editorial, titled Growing Pains: The Anti-Globalization Movement, Anti-Imperialism and the Politics of the United Front. This is really a look at the …