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The Only Good Thing About Hockey

Do you like hockey? i don’t. Never have. Memories of “playing” it as a child stall at about age ten. All i have is images of rainy days when the school didn’t want us kids getting too dirty we all got shoved into a gym with these ridiculous plastic hockey …

Montreal Mazda dealership and Bell Canada vans attacked

The latest communique from Montreal’s East End – the original in english and french can be read on Infoshop here. Once again, if i see these on the net i’ll post them here, if they’re in french i’ll translate them, but please nobody send me one of these – i’m …

Trade Unions Line Up for a "Neutral" Racist Quebec

Well, you know what i think: this is a white stain on the Quebec trade union movement, certainly not the first and certainly not the last. In the present context it is clear that arguing for a “ban on religious symbols” is at best riding the wave of racism for …

Settler Colonies

French Jesuit Mission of St. Sauveur in Acadia:corrupting the Wabanaki Nation with christianity someone emailed me asking what the definition of a “settler-colony” was… i gave a lame ass answer, but then figured i should post it here so that people can either agree with it or explain to me …