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[Montreal] Picket to Demand a Public Inquiry and to Denounce the Montreal Police Brotherhood’s Motion to Prevent a Coroner’s Inquest!

Please forward and come in great numbers! — JUSTICE FOR ANAS COALITION — :: PICKET TO DEMAND A PUBLIC INQUIRY AND TO DENOUNCE THE MONTREAL POLICE BROTHERHOOD’S MOTION TO PREVENT A CORONER’S INQUEST :: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 4pmOffices of the Montreal Police Brotherhood480 Gilford (Laurier Metro, St Joseph street …

Justice for Fredy Villanueva! Demonstration Oct. 11

The following is the callout for a demonstration next Saturday, to protest the police murder of Freddy Villanueva in Montreal-North: A year ago, Quilem was killed by being tasered six times in St-Michel. NEVER AGAIN! OCTOBER 11th 2008 BIG FAMILY FRIENDLY DEMONSTRATION 2:00PM at Parc Pilon (corner Henri-Bourassa & Pie-IX) …

Jean-Pierre Lizotte Remembered

Jean-Pierre Lizotte From today’s Montreal Gazette, an excellent op ed piece by No One Is Illegal member Jaggi Singh, about the 1999 police murder of Jean-Pierre Lizotte, a homeless PWA, in the trendy Plateau Montreal neighbourhood: The ‘poet of Bordeaux’ spent many years in prison, but he possessed a simple …

Rearview Mirror Glance at August’s Riot

As most readers will know, Montreal’s unusually cool summer included a very hot August, hot with the bitter heat that comes from tragedy. On August 9, a group of teenagers were playing in a park in the proletarian neighbourhood of Montreal North. Cops drove up and busted one of the …

Demonstration Against Police Abuse in Montreal North

Demonstration in Montreal North!A Call to Mobilize!The Breach Has Been Opened in Montreal-North! Montreal-North is burning. After the murder of Fredy Villenueva by the Montreal Police (SPVM), and the riots which broke out to express the people’s anger, the community of Montreal-North remains angry. The time has come to organize …

COBP Communique on the Murder of Freddy Villanueva (Montreal)

Communiqué by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP) Justice for Freddy Villanueva, the 43rd Montreal police killing in 22 years! Montreal, August 13, 2008 — On Saturday August 9, 2008, at about 7pm, a police officer from Station 39 fired four bullets that injured two youth and killed Freddy …

Man Arrested Torching a Montreal Police Car

The Canadian Press and Info690 are reporting a man was caught setting fire to a police car in Montreal’s east end last night. It seems unclear whether or not this is connected to the attack on police cars which took place in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve a couple of months back. Here is …

Montreal Police attack Anti-Capitalist May Day Demonstration

Yesterday a demonstration organized by a number of radical left organizations, including anarchists and Marxist-Leninist and others, was attacked by police in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, a predominantly working class Quebecois neighbourhood in east Montreal. As can be read below, neo-nazis were used to provoke a minor incident, which was then used as …

The Only Good Thing About Hockey

Do you like hockey? i don’t. Never have. Memories of “playing” it as a child stall at about age ten. All i have is images of rainy days when the school didn’t want us kids getting too dirty we all got shoved into a gym with these ridiculous plastic hockey …

[Tadamon] Confronting Israeli Apartheid in Montreal: Activists disrupt Israeli Ambassador to Canada

The following from the tadamon blog: Confronting Israeli Apartheid in Montreal: Activists disrupt Israeli Ambassador to Canada Montreal, Wednesday, April 9th, 2008: Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, Alan Baker, was humiliated by demonstrators at the posh Queen Elizabeth Hotel in downtown Montreal. Protestors successfully disrupted a lunch-in sponsored by the Quebec-Israel …