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The Case of Mohamed Anas Bennis, Eleven Months Later

Mohamed Anas Bennis,shot dead by Montreal’s killer copson December 1st 2005 Montreal’s Collective Opposed to Police Brutality have released the following document summarizing the past year’s bullshit whitewash of the police killing of Mohamed Anas Bennis. This killing, the brazen secrecy and disrespect on the part of the government, and …

Stephen Harper Confronted in Montreal

The following about an action in Montreal earlier today… MONTREAL, NOV 24 2006. — Over twenty people held a demonstration this morning to disrupt a press conference given by Stephen Harper at the Montreal General Hospital, in front of a hand-picked audience of young Conservatives from McGill University. Despite heavy …

[Montreal] Vigil for Mohamed Anas Bennis this December 1st

There’s a vigil being organized for Mohamed Anas Bennis, the young Muslim man who was murdered by Montreal police last December 1st: NO JUSTICE FOR MOHAMED ANAS BENNIS,NO REASON TO TRUST THE POLICE!BERNIER AND ROY, MURDERERS! VIGIL at the corner of KENT and COTE-DES-NEIGES (Cote-Des-Neiges metro)December 1st, 2006, 5 to …

The State Says No Justice for Mohammed Bennis

Almost a year ago a young Muslim man was murdered by a Montreal police officer, shot through the chest on his way home from Mosque. There were apparently no witnesses to the shooting (though tapes from a nearby security camera were seized but never made public) so there was nothing …

Four Days Ago

Just to get it out of the way – because i do feel it is in the way at the moment – for those who haven’t heard – Kimveer Gill, a hitherto unknown fellow from the north shore of Montreal, decided to attempt a spree killing in downtown Montreal last …

2006 World Film Festival in Montreal

Shit i’m not very happy! Been out of town for over a week, just got back, and just saw that there was a sale on tickets to the 2006 World Film Festival in Montreal but… the sale ended yesterday!!! Major drag, as this is one of the few Montreal festivals …

Thoughts on Yesterday’s Montreal Demonstration Against Israeli Aggression

At least two thousand people – possible many more than that – came out to protest Israeli aggression, marching through the drizzling rain in downtown Montreal yesterday. Media reports than “1,000” were there are bullshit, but i can’t be sure exactly how many there were, as this was the most …

A Classy Look at Neighbourhoods in Montreal (courtesy of the RCP-OC)

A while back i was at some event or demo or something and got a flyer from the Red Youth Front (Front Rouge des Jeunes), an affiliate of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committee), a local Maoist group. (NOTE: the RCP-OC is not the same as the American RCP, for …

Yesterday’s Montreal Rally Against Israeli Aggression

I don’t think i had ever seen as many Lebanese flags as at yesterday’s rally against Israeli aggression in downtown Montreal. More than 500 – perhaps as many as a thousand, i can’t be sure because of how the crowd was spread – showed up to protest the ongoing carnage. …

Coordinated Montreal Response to Israeli Aggression (17 to 22 July 2006)

Montreal-based organisations and individuals have come together to coordinate our responses to calls for solidarity from our brothers and sisters in Lebanon and Gaza, currently living under a vicious military offensive by Israel which has killed hundreds and destroyed civilian infrastructure, with devastating consequences.While the Canadian government is, outrageously, supporting …