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Does Trump Represent Fascism or White Supremacy? (repost)

A guest column by PG How should we understand the impending presidency of Donald Trump? What should we be prepared for? While some have framed Trump’s victory as a sign of resurgent fascism, our guest contributor argues that we should see it as the latest development in a much older …

Vancouver: Report Back from Anti-Alt-Right Demo (repost)

On Saturday December 17th 2016, roughly 30-40 demonstrators converged in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside at Pigeon Park, the site of the recently erected Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Survivor’s Totem Pole. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Vancouver: Report Back from Anti-Alt-Right Demo

Why are Jews, gays, and other minorities in Europe increasingly voting far-right? (repost)

Paris and Amsterdam—Leon de Winter, a Jewish bestselling novelist in Amsterdam, says supporting the Dutch political figure Geert Wilders, who seeks to “de-Islamify” the Netherlands, is “politically incorrect” and “not civilized. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Why are Jews, gays, and other minorities in …

Denis Lessard (repost)

(QuĂ©bec) Le resserrement des règles sur les sĂ©jours Ă  l’Ă©tranger touche très majoritairement des citoyens nĂ©s Ă  l’extĂ©rieur du Canada, rĂ©vèlent des donnĂ©es obtenues par La Presse. Read the rest of this post on the original site at Denis Lessard

What the hell happened? (repost)

How did this happen? How is it that we find ourselves in this bizarre alternate reality? The policy wonks were already celebrating the coronation of Hillary Clinton, but even as the champagne flowed, Trump was gaining in the polls. Read the rest of this post on the original site at …

The Safety Pin and the Swastika (repost)

If you had read in early 2016 about a National Pol­icy Insti­tute con­fer­ence on the theme of “Iden­tity Pol­i­tics,” you might have assumed it was an inno­cent gath­er­ing of pro­gres­sives. If you had attended, you would have been in for an unpleas­ant sur­prise. Read the rest of this post on …

Alt-right: more misogynistic than many neonazis (repost)

One of the major problems with the campaign to replace the term “alt-right” with “white supremacist” is that it tends to obscure other important dimensions of alt-right politics. The alt-right’s misogyny merits special attention, for a couple of reasons. Read the rest of this post on the original site at …