Thirteen Springs :: Marilyn Buck

Thirteen Springs

Marilyn Buck

had you planted a tree
to fill in the deep well
of my absence
that tree would be
thirteen springs high
high enough to relieve
the relentless sun of incarceration
strong enough to bear
the weight of children
who might have been born
had I not been seized
from your life and plunged
into this acid-washed crypt
of perpetual loss
and high-wired vigilance

but there is no tree
that stands in my place
to harbor birds and changing winds
perhaps someone will plant
a willow a eucalyptus
or even a redwood
any tree that will
in thirteen years more
bear fruit and provide shelter

This poem is also read by queer Latina poet and  tenant organizer Maria Poblet on Marilyn’s poetry CD Wild Poppies, produced in 2004 by Freedom Archives and available from – click here for more details.

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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