Winter Pride Mini Queer Between the Covers

qbcwinterTuesday, February 27 at 12 PM – 4 PM
Concordia University’s EV Atrium (the building glued on to the metro; you can enter via the metro or Guy though the official address is 1515 Saint-Catherine St W)


As part of Concordia University’s first Winter Pride//FiertĂ© en Hiver celebration, QBtC is holding a mini bookfair in the University’s EV Atrium. Our mini fair is happening on Tuesday, February 27th from 12-4 PM. Come join us for some fun, zines, art and queer culture as part of Concordia’s Winter Pride, and check out the other cool events happening, too!

K. KersplebedebK. KersplebedebK. Kersplebedeb

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